Nick left this in the comments, and I think it needs a wider audience.
I’ve never been a big fan of the catchphrase, finger lickin’ good.
It dates back to when I was a kid when I saw a guy come out of a bedroom he had briefly shared with a young female and he licked his fingers and then said the phrase.
I have nothing against fingering people, but men licking fingers is never good.
When a woman licks a finger it brings up connotations of fellating, the problem is, that is does for men as well.
So now, thanks to some shitty fried chicken corporation I have the image of Murali blowing someone in my head.
Then, as if the metaphor of him sucking his fingers isn’t bad enough, they plop down a huge white substance, which I am sure is tasty, but does pass more than a casual resemblance to human ejaculate.
I bet a lot of mention discovered new feelings after seeing this ad.
Possibly a few dreams about magic fingers…